Valentine's Activities
Post date: Feb 18, 2015 12:30:28 AM
Hey everyone! Happy belated Valentine's Day! I kept meaning to upload some of our favorite Valentine's activities from last week. Please enjoy these three videos from 4th, 3rd, and 2nd grade.
4th Grade: Students learned how to play chord roots on recorder to the song VALENTINE. They already knew how to sing the song from previous grades. First, they figured how to sing the chord roots on Do and So and then we reviewed the function of each chord (tonic and dominant). Next, they learned how to play the chord roots on recorder, which were the notes G and D, and we combined it with singing the song. The video is of two 4th grade students demonstrating the song as a duet. (K-2nd graders also sing this song, but they practice taking away and audiating one letter at a time. The 5th graders also learned this song this year on ukulele. I apologize I don't have videos of those things).
3rd Grade: This is a video of 3rd graders singing "I'm Searching For My Valentine" while moving around the room to find hearts with duple rhythm patterns on them. You'll see the students audiate the patterns and then read them out loud. Sometimes all the students will read their patterns, and you'll also see small groups and individuals read patterns by themselves.
2nd Grade: This is a song and folk dance that the 2nd graders learned called "Heel, Toe, On The Line". As with all folk dances, it helps students develop beat competency and hear phrases within songs. You'll notice that this is a continuous partner dance, which means that it could keep going forever and the students get a new partner each time!