2nd Graders--Major and Minor Tonality!
Post date: Jan 21, 2014 5:18:55 PM
"Hello Everybody" is a song that second graders have been singing for a long time as they enter the music room. Last year as first graders, they learned how to sing the chord roots of the song (DO and SO). We learned that it was in Major Tonality and we also learned several other songs that we can sing with it as partner songs. Last week, I sang it for them in Minor Tonality and afterward I asked them what I had changed about it. They used their prior knowledge of Minor Tonality and most of them told me that I had changed the tonality to minor! I was so impressed that they knew. Below, you will see them sing "Hello Everybody" in Major Tonality, with the chord roots DO and SO. In the next video you will see them sing "Hello Everybody" in Minor Tonality, with the chord roots LA and MI.